Creative Self Care for Teens: First Session
What is Creative Self Care for Teens?
It’s a live, in-person course to learn the skills to cultivate self-care—just for teens!
In it, they’ll learn to love their bodies from the inside out.
From navigating body changes to embracing and celebrating menstruation, creative self care is a rite of passage into adulthood that offers the true skills necessary for growing up: taking deep, nourishing, unapologetic care of yourself!
Teens will learn the foundational habits for health and well-being that they can take with them for the rest of their lives.
They’ll cultivate the skills to:
care for and love their changing bodies
relate to food, nutrition, and eating in balanced, realistic ways
develop self-acceptance and a sense of belonging
get deep, high-quality sleep (so important for young, maturing brains!)
process emotions in healthy ways with tools for reducing stress and anxiety
explore avenues for self-expression through group sharing and art-based exercises
To sum it up, we cover just about everything it takes to thrive as the juicy human that you are!
No shaming, no blaming, no body-hating.
What is Creative Self Care for Teens?
It’s a live, in-person course to learn the skills to cultivate self-care—just for teens!
In it, they’ll learn to love their bodies from the inside out.
From navigating body changes to embracing and celebrating menstruation, creative self care is a rite of passage into adulthood that offers the true skills necessary for growing up: taking deep, nourishing, unapologetic care of yourself!
Teens will learn the foundational habits for health and well-being that they can take with them for the rest of their lives.
They’ll cultivate the skills to:
care for and love their changing bodies
relate to food, nutrition, and eating in balanced, realistic ways
develop self-acceptance and a sense of belonging
get deep, high-quality sleep (so important for young, maturing brains!)
process emotions in healthy ways with tools for reducing stress and anxiety
explore avenues for self-expression through group sharing and art-based exercises
To sum it up, we cover just about everything it takes to thrive as the juicy human that you are!
No shaming, no blaming, no body-hating.
What is Creative Self Care for Teens?
It’s a live, in-person course to learn the skills to cultivate self-care—just for teens!
In it, they’ll learn to love their bodies from the inside out.
From navigating body changes to embracing and celebrating menstruation, creative self care is a rite of passage into adulthood that offers the true skills necessary for growing up: taking deep, nourishing, unapologetic care of yourself!
Teens will learn the foundational habits for health and well-being that they can take with them for the rest of their lives.
They’ll cultivate the skills to:
care for and love their changing bodies
relate to food, nutrition, and eating in balanced, realistic ways
develop self-acceptance and a sense of belonging
get deep, high-quality sleep (so important for young, maturing brains!)
process emotions in healthy ways with tools for reducing stress and anxiety
explore avenues for self-expression through group sharing and art-based exercises
To sum it up, we cover just about everything it takes to thrive as the juicy human that you are!
No shaming, no blaming, no body-hating.