Heal Your Relationship to Food Cravings With Mindful, Pleasure-Based Eating


How I let go of controlling my diet to find ease, joy, and satisfaction in food. 

Crystal Hoshaw, Certified Health Coach, Ayurvedic Wellness Coach, RYT, founder of Simple Wild Free & Creative Self Care

Discover the one simple tweak to transform mealtime into a joyful, pleasurable, and nourishing experience for your body, mind, and spirit.

Plus, learn to:

  • Mine the wisdom in your cravings so you can enjoy your food without guilt or shame

  • Learn techniques to create healthy, delicious meals that deeply satisfy you

  • Reframe how you think of “healthy” food and free yourself from diet dogma so you can finally stop second-guessing your food choices

Thursday June 15

5pm PST / 8pm EST



In my teens, I was vegan.

Through a black-and-white interpretation of yoga, Ayurveda, and ahimsa (nonviolence), I thought I had discovered the “right” way to eat.

I was tight and rigid about my food choices—and frankly, pretty self-righteous. 😬

I was also tying myself in knots on the inside trying to be “good” every time I ate. Eventually, I wasn’t even enjoying food anymore.

Then I learned the word “orthorexia,” and alarm bells went off in my head. 🚨 First coined by American physician Steve Bratman in 1997, it comes from the Greek word “orthos,” or “right,” and refers to an unhealthy focus on eating in a healthy way.

Ironic, right?

It wasn’t that I was fighting with my weight or my body in the conventional sense. I was fighting with a constant need to be correct.

When I started to give up the need to make the “right” choice all the time and the pressure that goes along with it, I started to experience an inherent pleasure and satisfaction with food that’s the sign of true nourishment. 

Join me to explore how I shifted from stressed and tight around food to enjoying every bite—and improving my health in the process!