Why Love is the True Healer, Plus How to Access Its Power
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Last month, I spent ten days at a medieval castle in Italy in meditation and sangha with a beautiful, loving community.
I've returned with my heart fuller in many ways.
I'm always struck by the power of community rallied around the same intention, especially one as simple and profound as love.
I'm proud to say that I experience a similar arising of love, support, care, and compassion in the Creative Self Care course.
While I'm no spiritual master, even the 'least' of us can create this foundation of love when we hold space for it both in our hearts and in our actions.
It's this being steeped in love that's the true healer—everything else we think we're doing is simply supplementary.
Opening our hearts
The more we can open our hearts to love and commit to loving actively, as a verb, the easier it is to live from that place and awaken that feeling to those around us.
Great teachers like Thich Nhat Hanh, Mother Theresa, and the Dalai Lama are examples of this.
When we do this, it creates a ripple effect of love out into the world that keeps coming back to us in unexpected ways—it's like sending out an energy wave and letting it come back ten times as strong.
One of the most important things to understand about love is this:
Love isn't something we have to find or get from someone else. All of the love that exists in our lives comes from within.
Once we tap into this infinite source of unconditional love, then healing begins naturally without effort or resistance on our part.
We don't need any external validation because all of the love we seek has existed inside us since the moment of birth—we just have to learn how to access it again.
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The power of loving community
This is the fundamental reason I practice meditation and seek out spiritual community with which to saturate in this fundamental truth.
When we surround ourselves with people who consciously reflect love back to us, we are reminding ourselves mind, body, and soul that our true nature is love itself—and we're returning the favor through relationship.
By surrounding ourselves with people who support and encourage us, practicing compassionate self-talk, and engaging in activities that bring joy and fulfillment, eventually this inner wellspring can be released so healing can take place naturally.
This is the power of a group coaching container like Creative Self Care.
We come together to consciously embody compassion and care for ourselves and one another, creating a potent and palpable space for love to do its transformational work.
Love is indeed a powerful healer—and when embraced as such on an individual level, can transform whole communities for good.
If we allow it, this love can lead to a greater understanding of our shared humanity that benefits us all.
It's a personal process
The journey to reclaiming the birthright of love is unique for everyone and may take time and patience.
As we continue along on it, one thing becomes increasingly clear: when we fully embrace ourselves—our true selves—and take ownership of our inherent worthiness and lovability, that is when the real healing begins.
No matter what we’ve been through or how hard it may seem to reach, this love awaits us all.
To access this source within ourselves, we must be willing to look honestly at our past experiences and forgive the hurts that have held us back.
We must learn to accept our own worth and be open to embracing the love that exists within us and all around us.
Of course, this is a lifelong practice, and it helps to have loving mirrors at your side in the form of friendships, life partners, mentors, and more.
We aren't designed to do it alone.
The important thing to remember is these guides aren't sources of love—they're simply reminders of the love that dwells inside of us.
Reclaiming the birthright of love
Ultimately, reclaiming the birthright of love is about learning how to give love from a place of self-compassion, understanding, and kindness.
We must allow ourselves to experience it in its fullness and trust that we can make a difference in the lives of others by sharing our love with them.
When we do this, we create a ripple effect that radiates through our entire life and beyond—both for ourselves and for everyone around us.
This is the power of love.
True, unconditional love can transform us into a healing force for ourselves and the world.
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